Quality Assurance
The European Union’s directives on the “Restriction of Hazardous Substances” (RoHS), “Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment” (WEEE) and the “End of Life Vehicles” (ELV) was originally published in 2003

RoHS controls the use of specified hazardous substances in electronic and electrical equipment from 1st July 2006 and vehicles sold in Europe from 1st July 2007.
For the purposes of the RoHS regulations, a maximum concentration value of up to 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for Lead*, Mercury, Hexavalent Chromium, PPB and PBDE and up to 0.01% by weight in homogenous materials for Cadmium will be permitted in the manufacture of new EEE. These values were established through the adoption of a Commission Decision on the 18th August 2005 but may be subject to change in the future.
* Lead – Exceptions: An annex of the Directive currently allows up to 0.35% for lead when used as an alloying agent. GM uses leaded Steel (En1a Pb / 230M07 Pb) bar stock in the manufacture of most steel turned fasteners and components and is within RoHS limits.
Homogeneous material means a material that cannot be mechanically disjoined into different materials. The term homogeneous is understood as “of uniform composition throughout” so examples of homogeneous materials would be individual types of plastics, ceramics, glass, metals, alloys, paper, board, resins and coatings.
GM is a producer of fasteners for use in the sheet metal fabrication, automotive and electronics industries and is committed to complying with the RoHS, WEEE and ELV directives and to fully support its customers in their compliance.
GM does not use mercury, polybrominated biphenyls or polybrominated diphenyl ethers in, or as a surface coating for any of its products.
From 1/1/2005 we have been replacing all plating processes that involved Hexavalent Chromium with a RoHS compliant Cr3 (Trivalent) process for all our standard line fasteners.
The following outlines which products are compliant:
All Steel Zinc Plated Fasteners are RoHS Compliant with Cr3 (Trivalent) platings.
Our new Trivalent based plating provide similar or better performance than the old hexavalent plating.Where corrosion resistance is an issue, please contact our technical sales department for clarification of expected performance. We can offer other RoHS compliant platings that provide up to 1000 hours salt spray resistance if necessary.
All Stainless Steel parts are RoHS Compliant.
All Aluminum parts are RoHS compliant.